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Field name | Value |
Title | Ship Sailing Cards: A-B |
Reference | MSS 470 |
Library | Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum |
Collection | Clipper Ship Sailing Cards Collection |
Date | 1857-1894 |
Description | A selection of cards advertising the voyages of multiple ships. Information includes the name of the ship, the port of origin, its destination, the company, and the master of the ship. Sailing ship cards were printed to inform prospective passengers and freight shippers of a vessel's impending departure. |
Document Type | Ephemera, Advertisement |
Theme(s) | Trade and Commerce; Advertising and Consumption |
Keywords | freight, voyage, vessel, passengers, wharf, trade, cargo, shipping, merchant, clipper, postcard |
Countries | USA; Australia; New Zealand; China |
Ports | Boston, USA; Melbourne, Australia; Sydney, Australia; San Francisco, USA; New York, USA; Hong Kong, China |
Ships | A W Stevens, Abbie Carver, Abiel Abbott, Acadia, Addie E Sleeper, Adelaide, Agate, Agnes, Agra, Akbar, Alameda, Alarm, Alaska, Alexander, Alfhild, Alice, Alice Ball, Alice Reed, Alleghanean, Almatia, Almena, Amos Lawrence, Anahuac, Andrew Jackson, Anglo-Saxon, Anna F Schmidt, Anna Walsh, Annie W Weston, Antelope, Arabia, Arcadia, Archer, Arey, Argonaut, Argosy, Arkwright, Arracan, Asa Eldridge, Asia, Asphodel, Asterion, Atalanta, Atlanta, Atlantic, Atmosphere, Audubon, August Smith, Aureola, Aurora, Autocrat, Avanti, B F Hoxie, B Webster, Baldur, Baltic, Bavaria, Belle of the Sea, Belle of the West, Belvedere, Bengal, Benjamin F Hunt Jr, Beuna Vista, Birmah, Black Hawk, Black Prince, Blair Drummond, Blandina Dudley, Blue Jacket, Bold Hunter, Boston Light, Bostonian, Brewster, Bridgewater, Brothers, Brown Brothers, Bryn-Ivor, Bunker Hill |
Additional Information | Please note that some of the metadata for this document has been drawn from the Peabody Essex Museum catalogue. |
Copyright | Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum |